The most basic and fundamental protection you need as you engage in online activities is to make sure you have a password that is not easy to decode. The following are some Best Practices for protecting your user password:
1. Make sure you don’t share your password with other people, including members of your immediate family (wife, husband, children). Similarly, don’t use the same password for all your online accounts
2. Do not use easy to guess passwords, like date of birth, Driver’s License Number or Social Security Number (if applicable). For example, don’t use password123 or password. Be creative by using a password that includes Letters, Symbols, and Alphabet; e.g. S%&5thinking
3. If your email account is compromised, be sure to Reset your password immediately
4. If you use different passwords for your online accounts, try and use a Password Manager program versus saving your password in a browser. Be secure to clear the cache of your browser if you use a public computer for your transactions
5. Make sure your password complies with the requirements of the site provider.